
Pre-school Ministry

City Central Church’s Preschool Ministry, from birth up to Kindergarten, focuses on teaching preschoolers about the Love of God, Jesus, and God’s Word in ways that relate to them. Child Care is available during our 10:30 AM Worship Service. Check-in is Located inside through the Family Entrance (East Side of the Church).

Children's Ministry

City Central Church’s Children’s Ministry, Grades 6-12, Focuses on Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God with Practical Applications at Children’s Church, Sunday at 10:30 AM. Child Care for Kindergarten through 5th Grade is available during Sunday during our 10:30 AM Worship Service. Check-in is Located Inside through the Family Entrance (East Side of Church).

STUDENT Ministry

City’s Central Church’s Student Ministry Focuses on encouraging Students (Grades 6-12) to become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ through bible study, fellowship, and events. CCC’s Student Ministry Meets on Sunday at 9:30 AM and Wednesday at 6:30 PM

Adult Connect Groups

City Central Church’s Adult Bible Study Groups, called “Connect Groups,” meet on Sunday Mornings at 9:15 AM. Everyone is welcome to any of our groups.

  • Topical Bible Study (Upstairs)
  • Growing Together (Connection Room)
  • Legacy (Conference Room Downstairs)

Men's Ministry


CCC’s Men’s Ministry is known as Wingman Nation. Our mission is to help men through bible Studies, fellowship, and acts of service, to become better husbands, better fathers, and more Godly and Christlike men. City Central Church believes that if you reach the man, you can reach the entire home. We focus on men becoming the spiritual leaders of their homes.

The leadership team of Wingman plan, organize, and launch projects and events that help CCC to reach that goal.

WOMen's Ministry

City Central Church’s Women’s Ministry utilizes bible studies and fellowship to help our women become better wives, mothers, and more Godly and Christlike Women. Their Bible Studies meets on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM and 6:30 PM.

Child Care is available during times of the Women’s Bible Study.